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Connections High School & Vocational Program

A private high school for students ages 15-22 who have autism or related disabilities

We serve students who:
Have a medical diagnosis of autism or a related disability.
Are ages 15-22 years.
Need an instructional system that includes academics, social skills, life skills and targeted therapies.
Have transportation to our school in Central Palm Beach County.
We deliver:
Functional academics taught with evidence-based strategies that are designed for children with autism.
Vocational training to help our students transition into adulthood.
Therapeutic approaches that focus on teaching social and independent-living skills to encourage self-sufficiency.
Targeted therapies during the school day for students based on their Individual Educational Plans (IEPs). This may include speech therapy, occupational therapy and/or behavioral therapy.
Small class sizes with low student-to-staff ratios.
Expanded learning opportunities through our Health, Wellness & Aquatic Program that features weekly swim lessons and classes on fitness, healthy eating, kitchen safety and more.
Access to music and art activities to develop students' creativity, exercise fine motor skills and provide a well-rounded educational experience.
Experiences out in the community to help students better connect with their families, peers and the community.
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